(Spend a minimum of 5 Minutes on each prayer)
Psalm 103:1-5
Bless the LORD, o my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, o my soul, And forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfy your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s
1.Merciful Father, we magnify your name. You have done so much for us than our mouths can express, thank you, Jesus.
2. Precious Father, we give you thanks; in your loving kindness, you have supplied our needs, and filled us with joy and gladness – you are worthy, Lord!
psalm 80: 17-19
Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, Upon the son of man whom you made strong for yourself. Then we will not turn back from you; Revive us and we will call upon your name. Restore us, o LORD God of host; cause your face to shine, And we shall be saved!
3. O Lord, revive your Church and cause us to walk in your glory, in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. O God, kindle your revival fire on our prayer alters, in our churches, in our families, and let men sincerely serve you in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. O LORD, Let holiness and righteousness break out amongst us, in the name of Jesus christ.
6. O God, let your holy hand be upon our endeavours, and cause us to breakthrough by the spirit of revival, in the name of Jesus Christ.
7. O God, we command restoration in our families, ministries and businesses, in the name of Jesus Christ.
8. O God, may we, by the spirit of revival, put you first in all we do, in the name of Jesus Christ.
9. Father, I thank you for doing a new thing in my life, thank you for your loving kindness to me.
10. Lord, thank you for renewed strength and health in my body. Thank you for giving me supernatural abilities, be magnified, in the name of Jesus Christ.